The floods in Australia were man made. This isn’t conspiracy crackpot talk either.

They got caught cloud seeding during the floods, and the MSM in Australia had to acknowledge it…of course they had some excuse, but they used so much material in the atmosphere it popped on Doppler radar. I’ll try and find the news clip.

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Arkmedic had commentary on that on his Telegram channel as it played out. https://t.me/s/arkmedic?q=cloud+seeding

I think I remember that they also drained some large dams upstream of the area that was hit at the same time. Then they refused to reimburse any property damage or honor any insurance payouts if the people were not vaccinated. Insane.

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Draught is blamed on cloud seeding in Hungary.

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I honestly don’t know if cloud seeding can be used to caught a drought. I know they use it to create clouds.

I just remember watching a news clip, and the Australian weatherman was making up some BS excuse for this long line of stuff on the weather radar. A big red band in Western Australia, covering the whole continent from north to south.

“Yeah mate… this is from cloud seeding, but it’s not related to the floods, it’s a military exercise.”

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They make clouds disappear. So farmers say the system made the drought.

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My personal information and experience.

My father is an agricultural engineer for life. Now around 40 years total. He also cultivates around 100 hectares of personal land for crops.

In August he 'ordered' the usual fertilizer for next year. All his distributors said there's none and they will call back when an estimated delivery will be possible. I don't have to tell you they haven't called yet!

One of his best friend who stayed at their university as a professor is running a 'no nitrogen fertilizer' field experiment for 30 years. They use some traditional ways to bring back nutrition to the land but not chemical fertilizer used. So with today knowledge and extensive labour this is the result: they can have 50% yield of the nitrogen fertilizer land.

His estimation is that without fertilizer yield will fall immediately at least by 30%. Then with proper natural recycling but continuing the industrial farming you will loose minimum 5%/year until 0 the soil is totally eroded.

Good luck for everyone in '23. People thought the last 3 years were bad then not sure what will be next year. Food inflation will be insane!

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Victory garden time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victory_garden

I'm not a fan of potatoes, but will probably try growing some next year.

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Your perspective is appreciated. Take whatever time you need to deal with personal issues.

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On a separate note, do you have any other recommendations nootropics wise besides the brain stack with piracetam? What about modafinil, other ones etc

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