Mar 18, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Reporting a few additional information from Hungary connected to your post:

1. animal farms are complaining that Hungarian farmers are keeping their crops in silos and waiting for better market price to make profit. But animal farms are short on stocks and can not feed animals and food prices will further increase. (my parents have crops and they are doing the same)

2. Hungary has many car manufacturers. Regarding Ukraine situation the manufacturers are nearly stopped producing anything. The reason is that 5 factories in Ukraine were supplying them with pre-produced wire looms and all factories are completely offline.

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NWO at play. At least we got a break when they put Greta on the bench.

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"Governments should stop being reactive, and start using their own scientists specialized in cascade dynamics, adopt a better risk mitigating tool, otherwise they will just keep applying band-aids, and feeding the cascade."

Governments should just stop. Period. All interventions and government actions must be put to an end. That's the only solution.

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