

The FAA said an "unidentified small plane" crashed into the General Mills plant in Covington early Thursday evening.


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Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to kill you.

Love your posts.

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Thank you. I am not that paranoid lol, just see trends before other people, most of the time.

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You may not be paranoid, but I am. When the most profitable industry in the US is spying on people, Big Tech, I worry that it isn't a bug, but a feature.

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I came to accept that as a fact of life. Believe me, have been there.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Well this works along a couple of axes. War, famine and pestilence are your big depopulation agents. Then, if there is a crisis of food growing and food delivery logistics, the argument will be made that it was a failure of capitalism. Therefore, they will say, we need to have a single world government to coordinate the proper distribution of food. Oh, and if you don't like it well the WHO is just now arrogating powers to unilaterally excommunicate....errr...interdict....errr... I mean order your entire country on full lockdown anytime.

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Sensible and accurate post.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Food distribution warehouses and chemical plants are the ultimate soft targets. Unlike power plants, the losses aren't recognized for months.

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I am glad at least one person understands it, and it's not "it will be fine".

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With famine people will care much less about side effects and delayed deaths of vaccine side effects. To me all looks too orchestrated. Like Ukrainian war happens exactly when people started to be weary about covid...

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Starting a new, less damning scandal to distract from the current scandal is an old trick, but when the current scandal is the largest crime ever perpetrated against humanity the coverup scandal has to be of catastrophic proportions.

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Thank you for showing us the tsunami that's coming, helping us see the water is moving away from the shore. 🙏

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Jesus christ

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Another anecdote here -- in our military town, there are no appliance repair people left. The two old guys who used to do it have retired. Where are all the young people who protest regarding sustainability and are into recycling and thrifting, but can't/won't learn to repair things already made so they last longer?

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One of the reasons for the fires in food plants is people. There aren't enough people to run them so they're hiring anybody. The plant in Memphis TN was an example of that and I can't explain why exactly. Someone didn't know something and did something and now there's a cereal shortage.

You're going to see more and more accidents and shutdowns due to the human factor in manufacturing where corporations are forced to hire anyone that can push a button but not know what they're doing which will lead to waste and accidents. Manufacturing will contract soon, it has to, because there aren't parts to maintain or run the equipment.

The people who built and supported the machines, the ones who knew all the bugs and work arounds, are gone. Retired or died the last 2 years. I work in manufacturing. If you've read Atlas Shrugged we are living that and it's not intentional in this case.

Put out a job ad for an electrician, mechanic, or controls engineer and you will get 0 hits. I saw this coming 4 years ago when people stopped going into trades and the average age in dirty jobs was climbing into the 60s.

These aren't positions you can replace immediately and combined with the parts shortages...

In a simple sentence.... we're fucked and as you say... it's going to get worse.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

Same thing is going on in hospitals and medical laboratories. I am a physician, a pathologist and work in the lab. There have been too many retirements in recent years of the most experienced staff who were leaders. Not enough qualified technologists as well as nursing staff, and not enough in housekeeping, maintenance and IT to keep the place running. So they understaff, leading to more burnout and turnover, or simply use any warm body they can find. Place an ad to recruit a medical technologist, and you will get hits from the Philippines, but not the USA. We have not had fires, and I have not seen tragedy, yet, personally, but some very close calls, almost always from individuals not following procedures. Everyone has been having to take out their own trash, including medical staff. I've seen human tissue on the locker room floor. We've nearly run out of basic supplies, like formalin and eosin in the last few months. We are losing a histotechnologist at the end of the month, and a cytotechnologist with more years in the lab than I at the end of May. All in addition to the medical staff's betrayal of the trust of patients since early 2020.

I mentioned previously that engine oil is wiped off the shelves at some local retailers. I did not have trouble finding hydraulic fluid. Kerosene is also in short supply. Dental floss is wiped off the shelves in local stores. I bought summer tires for my vehicle this week. I had to settle for fourth choice, as there were no delivery estimates for better choices. The desk clerk at the installer said he uses the same tires of a different size and has to wait six weeks to receive them now. We managed to find six volt batteries for our photovoltaic back-up system that we have not used since 2014, and they have shipped. We should be able to have running water and septic, at least, if the power is out, for better or worse.

Parts of the upper Midwest, where fertilizer woes were already being felt, and where drought was already an issue, received much needed moisture in the unfortunate form of 3 feet (1 m) of new snow, leaving the ground too wet to plant. More snow is forecast.

I'm starting to think people will start waking up to what's going on sooner than I first thought, but I don't talk about it except with my wife, my sister and two of my partners.

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I don't talk about it anymore because people think I'm crazy. They bitch their starbucks os closed that's paying 15/hr and can't make the connection. Maybe people want to accept it. We've lost more people than makes sense. None of this should make sense. We've stocked up, but will it make a difference... we don't know yet. I want to be wrong that we didn't destroy the world... but we'll see.

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I can give you a beautiful example a few months ago which made me laugh:

Tesla opened up a service station here and advertised jobs:

-head of maintenance as a manager: applied 216 individuals

-actual maintenance technician doing real job: 9(!) individuals

This is the state of our world.

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Can confirm. Husband has had his steam license and operated boilers for years. He learned his skills in the navy and from jobs he had years ago. As people his age relocate, scale down the type of work they can do due to aging up, retire, etc…there are NO qualified younger people to replace them. It’s all middle aged+ guys like him. I don’t know who will be operating the boilers in the future but this looming shortage will create trouble.

Boilers are everywhere. Schools, hospitals, manufacturing plants, large office buildings. Boilers also go BOOM if operated improperly. You must know what you are doing around them.

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Absolutely. And people don't see it coming. I was just at a training and someone said "just bring the people back as consultants and pay them whatever they want'."

You might get a few but not enough to plug the giant hole.

My new company is afraid I'll quit and I've been here less than 6 months.

That's one of the interesting things about the recession we're in now but nobody is feeling it. Because even the places that should be firing due to it don't have the people they'd normally get rid of during a recession.

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Catching up on your stuff, are we still going to see "gasohol" going to 15% alcohol content? This can't be good news for corn availability, and seems to "fit right in."

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Food Chain Reaction Simulation Game interestingly planned out 2020=2030 with 2022 being the Food crisis. predicts Ukraine, recent toppling of Pakistan. 65 thought leaders... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWUDobJQDYE&t=6s

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I have shared that Cargill simulation game a couple months back =). Coincidences all around.

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I'm a new subscriber!! Just found you

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Glad to have you, if I find the post I will comment here again. =) I do write too much I guess... Hope you take value from what I write, not depression as some put it.

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Yes your stack is a great find. Evidently I do like how you think. I just shared your stack with some friends and will reference it in my next video. Here's another from my channel. I'm Canadian-centric (its a bit nuts here) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBY89mF7o-k&t=10s

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