Very convenient for those who want to force consumers into buying their meat emulating products.

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Mar 28Liked by Moriarty

Thank you for following this situation for us.

1)I have not been able to confirm the veterinary and agricultural use of mRNA shots, but have heard that they are being increasingly employed. My wife has long been committed to organic products and we do have some local farmers to source these.

2) The price of chocolate has risen threefold according to some reports. Theobromine in chocolate has many of the pharmacological benefits of caffeine.

They are really coming at us from 5 directions.

It would not surprise me to find that the dairy cattle have been given vaxxes which make them more susceptible/vulnerable to respiratory viruses.

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Interesting finding and actually unsurprising to me. I've noticed for years that smokers seem to be less commonly ill with colds and flu bugs. It's a high price to pay on the back end no doubt but it is food for thought.

Perhaps the body is fighting off one poison so it doesn't need to fight off another. This has had me pondering my first husband Oh's vaccine injuries from his panel physician immigrant visa medical check. This was before Covid jabs were a thing. Now Oh was God rest his soul an alcoholic. I mean that in a starts drinking in the morning shortly after waking up all day every day type of way. He was charismatic and a functional drinker who quietly kept the bottle hidden who also worked as a bartender. So it took me awhile to realize the extent of it.

One of my first signs of how deep his drinking went was that prior to his panel physician check in Bangkok he absolutely quit with the booze. He was worried about elevated levels of something in the pancreas that would show him to be a heavy daily drinker. We went up to some family land in Esan far away from friends and associates. He was shaky and fatigued but he wanted to be in good shape for his medical check and he went to it having been absolutely sober for 2-3 weeks. And then I believe he was vaccine injured. I am wondering if he would have had such a bad reaction if he'd just been drinking.

How are the drunks who took the Covid jabs faring compared to others who took it? Has such a thing ever been studied? Perhaps the poison from one thing blocks the poison from another...

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Mar 28Liked by Moriarty

Professor - Your firing on all 8. "what scientists are PRESUMING is the same H5N1 strain of influenza" With all those infected cattle, these idiots can't isolate or confim the virus? They might presume anything to scare the shit out of you, which is exactly the intention of such pandemic porn. Like "Madcow" (not Rachel) they will cull the herd for profit and push farmers into BK, so just as in the UK - its a food chain consolidation and land grab too.

Coffee - chock full o nuts (my fav) & 3-O-Caffeoylquinic acid (Chlorogenic acid), drink up early and often. But as Rule 23 states: never mess with a Marines cup o joe if you want to live.

"Peace®, 28 mg of tar, 2.3 mg of nicotine/cigarette" They should call them Headbangers Ball or "REST in Peace" if you smoke enough of em...

"smoking is vehemently bad for you" if you'd have asked me that after the Hinchi Indians tented me, I would have said no. Tobacco is quite medicinal, also full of Chlorogenic acid (that's why coffee & cigs get along so well) amongst many other good things. All those things that are "bad" for you, are also bad for certain viruses, stops em dead in their tracks. But like anything else in life, it's not a panacea, and moderation is the key.

Eat a nice rare tenderloin, then corretto with Sambuca back & smoke em if you got em, just don't be third on a match or get "tented" by Hinchi Indians Mr. Mulder

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There's a war on beef. There's a war on poultry. Basically, there's a war on food for the masses. Grow your own garden and get to know a small farmer. Its the only way people are going to be able to feed themselves in the future. UNLESS we get a new regime around the entire world and get rid of the one world order who hates humanity.

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Love this article thanks JP!

Just to remind myself (and others) of the health protocol, based off the literature youve highlighted over several years, and in order of importance:

•No jabs

•Moderate-medium exercise

•Fasting/Intermittent fasting


•daily stack:

-vit D3 with vit K2 mark 7



vit c

vit B complex

If starting to feel sick or post infection:

daily stack plus.....





nicotinamide riboside


Morning, fasted: nattokinase

night,drowsy: magnesium(not oxide) / tryptophan or 5htp / melatonin

Optional extras:



dandelion root extract

nigella sativa

Bromhexine if taking antibiotics etc.

Did I miss anything?

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Avian flu shouldn't be a problem in cows until they can fly:-)

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Do you follow John Cullen and his theory about GOF H7N9 out of Madison WI? Crimson Contagion

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