
The only pathogen that causes intense muscle pain in me is Covid, and given that I saw hundreds of people on the metro system sick at the same time (plus dozens around my neighborhood) safe to say it was Covid.

While I am an outlier, thus each infection usually presents itself in a different way than the majority of the population, I have never felt such an absurdly strong brain fog. The virus bypassed everything, it went directly to my nerves and brain, and yes I know it went through the nerves because all my cranial nerves burnt for a few days.

This insane brain fog put Long Covid neurological problems in a new perspective, I can now understand fully why many of them suffer from clinical depression. This is horrible, trying for hours to read or write the simplest thing and fail, among other things.

My brain today was finally working, close to normal, so I got a lot of catch up to do. In the Covid articles I will write my current suggestions, because this one was nasty. I felt better when I had a brain clot LMAO.

If you are a paid subscribers or donated, thank you for your patience, not fond of earning money without working =P.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

No worries!! Pleased you are not in the fog anymore (and suspect this latest experience may reveal something new!) ☺️

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

Glad to hear you are on the mend, Moriarty. Sounds like you had a nasty hit.

I saw this tweet (?do they still call them tweets on X, or should we say Xweet now?):


I'm hoping you will give us a clearer explanation of this soon, so we can prepare more appropriately.


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In whatever covid article I publish next I will. It basically thickened by blood substantially. Since I don't have a lab, I can just suspect it also messed with my Red Blood Cells.

I already went through social media and look if there was a increase in strokes and vascular incidents. You can guess what I found.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

I feel your pain bro, big hug.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

Are you familiar with Dr Robert Naviaux' work (https://naviauxlab.ucsd.edu/publications/) "The suramin autism treatment-1 (SAT-1) trial was a small double-blind, placebo-controlled, translational pilot study of 10 male subjects with ASD, ages 5-14 years, to examine the safety, activity, pharmacology, and metabolomics of low-dose suramin in children with ASD. A single infusion of suramin was associated with improved scores for language, social interaction, and decreased restricted or repetitive behaviors measured by ADOS"

His cell danger response hypothesis is quite interesting too, and your research seems to point in similar direction. Thank you fo your work, and speedy recovery, without stress, because that too is contagious (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28550792/).

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I was not familiar with his work, thank you for sharing. And stress is one of my biggest problem, which incidentally affects everything else, I have been working hard on it to improve =(.

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100% This.

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There are problems with this study …. They Diagnosed Autism at 20 months…. Verbal delay before age 2? Children were born preterm as well so no surprise if they are delayed in some milestones. It is just blatanty wrong to declare a child as having delayed speech development at 20 months. Autism is a disorder of social communication. How much social communication is the average 20 month old doing. Many are not interacting with other children yet and parallel play is the norm at that age. Rigid and repetitive routines- likewise it’s way too early to make that call.

Then declare them cured at age 4. This is very early. Many children with neurodevelopmental disorders haven’t come to clinical attention at that age yet. I have an autistic daughter and see autistic adults in my psychiatric practice every day.

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SImilar to Long Covid, which should be named to something else (like Post-Viral Syndrome, or something, since other infections can induce similar conditions such as Lyme Disease), ASD should be renamed.

Specific subgroups of autistic children have, quite literally different nerve endings, and distinct nerve signals. Finding the cause would be of great help as to whey their nerve development changes. I personally suspect there is a mountain of confounding factors such as things most scientists pay no attention towards (Herpes virus activity before, during, and shortly after pregnancy).

There are also the "I will just put every neurodivergent in this basket" instead of looking for the cause, such as the few published cases of Creatine transport failure.

Alas, some of my own readers have used things I suggested and they further research to alliviated and improve their autistic children symptoms to a level they were content, the reason I mentioned using some of my Covid suggestions.

There is also the vaccine angle which I ain't touching with a 100 foot pole.

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I’ll touch the vaccine angle all day long! I’ve read enough studies that show a high correlation between vaccinated kids and ASD. Then look at the unvaccinated population. The number of vaxxes recommended for babies today verses 40 years ago. No question in my mind.

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I think it’s worth trying the PASC / long Covid supplements which address inflammation and Neuro inflammation via Mast Cells in Autism. Mast cell activation could be an underlying pathological mechanism in past Covid/ post Covid vax and autism.

I was taught that the vax angle in Autism was nonsense BUT if MCAS is being caused by Covid and covidvax and is a potential mechanism underlying autism ( via Neuro inflammation ) and associated physical conditions, so often Co occurring with autism, I no longer dismiss is so readily.

I had far fewer vaccines than my daughter but we are similar with sensory processing and physical - asthma, allergies( nasal and skin). But her autism presented very early and is qualitatively more intense and disabling. So maybe a mixture of genetic inheritance and something else. But she was difficult from birth and only got her first shots a few weeks later. I omitted what I thought was unnecessary like HepB, which I only got as a med student and have not let her get HPV shot either.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

I am very happy for these two girls and their devoted family.

Two years is a long time to detox. :/

Must have cost a small fortune.

I am happy for them that they are now OK.


Proof of concept: ACHIEVED.

Let your food be your medicine....


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Yes, the amount of money spent out of pocket makes this unrealistic for many, but at least there are hope and parents can go interating.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

Rest rest rest. Time in nature too. Did none of your peptides help? Dr Brownstein, the iodine guy, said that iv H2O2 clears up brain fog and gives a big energy boost among other things.

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I only have BPC at hand and have been taking for a while, I suspect it is the only reason my gut wasn't targeted (maybe the current variant has different tropism).

That is the thing I had energy, it is like the nerves and synapses were targeted. The biochemical and electrical impulses, it was very weird, first time I felt this with Covid.

I will keep taking peptides for a while now, I need to fix myself come hell or high water.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

This latest version (of Omicron???) is different from the last few. My symptoms were mild cold, but I’m losing my hair again like I did with the first round of Covid in 2021. My symptoms were gone in a week, but a lot of people I know are needing 3 weeks (more if they take Pavloxid) of recovery. I know many of these were vaccinated.

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Sometimes losing hair means you are deficient in certain important nutrients, like zinc and selenium (the body steals it from somewhere when it needs in this case, the hair).

You could supplement both forna while and see if there is improvement usually there is. Biotin can also help and glutathione if you think your antioxidant defenses where overwhelmed.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

Taking lots of supplements, including zinc and multis+eating Brazil nuts. Thinking about trying some ivermectin. It will eventually stop. Just hoping I won’t need a wig for the year or two it will take to grow back.

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Paxlovid, not Pavloxid🙄

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Sounds more like energetic attack? Did they turn up any 6G stuff around you? Any military around you?

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

Simply incredible. Although perhaps not as much for those who have researched this much more than I. Still, to have this published is a major step towards mitigating one of the greatest threats to modern civilization that has been festering right under our noses; to not even speak of the human suffering.

I hope that as this comprehensive approach gets winnowed down to its most significant elements those who may have contributed to this suffering get their just recognition.

Regarding covid, it's the only pathogen I've encountered that has given me intense abdominal muscle pain. Very odd.

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Next Covid article I will talk about this, maybe I will do it today. It may give you some answer, or to start of where to look.

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Would you be willing to describe the abdominal pains in more detail? Are they really sharp and where exactly are they located? I'm trying to figure out if I had a reaction to something I ate or if it was something else since it was the only symptom. Thanks!!

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Sorry, I didn't notice your reply. The COVID abdominal pain I experienced was diffuse, persistent, and a moderate level of pain. I would describe it as a moderately painful cramp emanating behind my abdmoninal muscles that basically lasted unabated for several days. Hope that's useful information.

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Jul 31Liked by Moriarty

For some reason I click 'like' and nothing happens on sub stack for a while now. Not sure if you and your readers see that I like what you've have written. Will keep trying!

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If you receive the e-mail and click like in the e-mail, it will bring you to the page and automatically like the post.

But yeah, the likes have been bugged for months now here. At least with me.

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Happy to hear you are coming out the other side of your bug and fog!

I saw this covered in a legacy media in the UK much to my surprise so not only hope in our health and personal power but also hope of true health interventions and support being shared and acknowledged wider 🤞

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So what is it that made you sick? We had the omnicron but how did it infect us?

As there is no virus so what is the chemical that is making us sick

We haven't been sick since early 2022

There must be something maybe in chemtrails that is infecting people

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Caroline Coram says its Arsine gas and dark lightning which is some type - gamma? - radiation. She’s on twitter, has about 40k followers.

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I am absolutely positive that Robert Naviaux's theory on autism is correct: it's a result of your body being stuck in the cell danger response. He proposed suramin as a treatment which showed promising results.

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